Artist Talk Series: Deirdre Bialo-Padin

Based in Brooklyn/New York, Deirdre Biaalo-Padin of Bialo Padin Designs designs and makes unique hand-fabricated jewelry and accessories.

As a fiber artist, Deirdre also knits, crochets and has even tried her hand at yarn dyeing. She integrates her passion for fiber into her work as a metalsmith by creating beautiful and practical accessories and tools for the fiber community, such as shawl pins, stitch markers, and cable needles.

Deirdre grew up surrounded by creativity. Her mother was a talented seamstress, and her grandmother a theatrical costume designer. Observing her mother and grandmother at work, Deirdre absorbed the pleasure they took in creating the garments they designed and made; and that’s how she first developed an appreciation for fine craftsmanship.

Deirdre's previous career as a practising attorney did not provide her with either the time or opportunity to express her creative impulses. But that changed once she married her husband, a musician. His musicianship inspired her to explore her own creativity. Her family's love of jewelry, as well as memories of her mother and grandmother prompted her to explore the art of jewelry making. Now an experienced jeweler and metalsmith, Deirdre has turned her passion for making jewelry into a growing business.


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